XY and XYZ Systems
IntelLiDrives, Inc. manufactures a large selection of linear actuators that utilize brushless linear direct-drive servomotors, linear stepper motors as well as precison ball screw actuators driven with brush, brushless or rotary stepper motors. Travels for our linear actuators range from 10 mm to 5 meters. These stages are utilized in in industrial robots, fiberoptics and photonics, vision systems, machine tools, assembly, semiconductor equipment, medical component manufacturing, electronic manufacturing, and other industrial automation applications.

XY tables
XY Tables with stacked linear actuators that utilize brushless linear direct-drive servomotors or precison ball screws

Motorized Belt XY-XYZ systems
Automation Series XYZ robotic arm, XYZ gantry and XYZ desktop robot with Motorized Belt actuators.

Ball Screw XY-XYZ systems
Automation Series XYZ robotic arm, XYZ gantry and XYZ desktop robot with Ball Screw actuators.

Linear Motor XY-XYZ systems
Linear Motor Direct Drive multi-axes XYZ solutions are pre-engineered, easily mounted, plug-and-play, ready-to-run systems.

Large Open Frame XY tables
Large open center XY table with Ball Screw mechanisms offer long travel and clear unobstructed two axes aperture

Vertical XY and XYZ gantries
Vertical XY and XYZ gantries with linear motors and motorized belt actuators

Compact XY and XYZ stages
Precision Fine Pitch Screw driven XY stage and XYZ stage offer superior positioning performance in a very compact, low profile unit.

Open Frame XY-Rotary systems
Long travel XY stage in combination with large clear hole-through rotary table offers three degree of freedom unobstructed aperture.

Microscope XY stages
Open center XY stage designed with a low profile and center opening for automated microscopy based applications.